Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Judaism: Its identity and position to society

Judaism is more than a religion. It is the way of life of the Jewish people. Culture, customs, ethics, and sense of self – these are a part of Judaism as much as the faith and the rituals of the Jewish religion. A Jew can be defined in more than one way. Within Jewish law, being Jewish is a kind of citizenship. One is a Jew if one is born of a Jewish mother or has undergone a conversion. Conversion to Judaism is like a bestowal of citizenship – it makes one a member of the people. A person who fits the legal definition of a Jew is recognized as a fellow Jew by the Jewish community. Even if a Jew does not share the religious beliefs of Jews and does not participate in the customs and practices of Judaism, one is still considered a Jew if he or she fits the legal definition. One could define a Jew religiously to the religious beliefs and practices of Judaism. A Jew is one believes in the One God, Creator and master of the Universe, the God with whom the people Israel have a special relationship. Many Jews believe God chose them to be his people. They follow the laws that God revealed to Moses. The Ten Commandments are the most important of these laws. In ancient times the Jews were the only people who worship a single, exclusive God, and the only people who worshiped without physical images of God. The Jews were resented by other people for not participating in the worship of all gods. This led to the accusation that Jews were antihumanitarian, since sharing gods was considered to be an act of friendship and universalistic concern for other people. When Christianity replaced the pagan religions of antiquity, the old misunderstanding of Jews did not die out. Added to it was the resentment that the Jews, Jesus’ own people, has not become Christians. Jews were protected under Christian law but were restricted in many ways. The laws in Christian lands called for Jews to be humiliated and despised in order to encourage Jewish conversions to Christianity. When Jews did not convert they were accused of stubbornness or spiritual blindness (Wylen). Judaism teaches that God is the God of all humankind and that He wants all people to serve Him by living their lives the way He wants. The guidelines for this lifestyle are set down in the Noachide Laws, the basic framework for a moral and spiritual life. They believe that every person is completely free to choose whether to do good or evil for God is completely free to do as He wishes, so are humans. Jews regard any religion which upholds the Noachide Laws as an acceptable way for non-Jews to serve God. This does not mean that they agree with everything that other religions teach, but that they can recognize some religions as pointing out a path to God. For this reason, Jews do not see the need to convert other people to their religion. In particular, Jews recognize that Islam teaches pure monotheism and that Muslims have a strict morality that upholds the principles of the Noachide Laws. The same may be said of the Sikh religion. Jews have always been less certain about Christianity. Although they acknowledge Christianity’s high moral principles, they feel uneasy about the Christian belief that Jesus is God. They are also unhappy about the use of images and icons in Catholic and Orthodox worship. They feel that this comes rather close to idolatry. Nonetheless, Jews have always recognized a special relationship with Christianity and Islam. Rabbi Judah Halevi, a twelfth-century scholar, described Judaism as the seed of the tree and Christianity and Islam as the branches, since through these religions, millions of people have come to worship the one God (Forta). At the turn of the twentieth century, a movement of interfaith dialogue between Jews and non-Jews served as a medium that facilitated the changes upon conflicts in religion. Although there had been some obstacle along the process, the interfaith dialogue helped to develop a better relationship between Jews and non-Jews in America. As a result it came into advancement of the well-being of the Jewish community in America. This interfaith dialogue took place in America in 1893 when the World Parliament of Religions (WPR) convened in Chicago bringing together Protestants, Catholics, Greek Orthodox Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Bahai, Muslims, Native Americans and representatives of other faiths as well. It offered Jewish religious leaders such as Alexander Kohut, Isaac M. Wise, Kaufmann Kohler, Emil G. Hirsch, and Marcus Jastrow, an opportunity to present their views to a non-Jewish audience and make a case for Judaism (Kaplan). The majority of Jews, especially in North America, resided in religiously pluralistic communities where people of diverse backgrounds and faiths, including many who had themselves experienced religious persecution, live side by side. Perhaps for this reason, they felt more comfortable interacting with Christians than Jews did in most parts of the world – so much so that we know of Jews and Christians who joined forces in business, witnessed each other’s documents, and socialized in each other’s homes (Bernardini and Fiering). Over the century new discoveries, new methods of manufacture, new social conditions have changed people’s way of living and thinking about the world. For Jews, this has always created the need to reapply the halakhah (Jewish religious law) to ever-changing conditions for living by halakhah is essential for Jews to fulfill their part of their covenant relationship with God. During this century advances in technology have led Jews to raise questions which could not have been thought of in earlier times – questions about the use of automated electrical machinery on Sabbaths, whether computer hacking is theft, whether surrogate mother is permissible, whether a person on a life-support machine is alive or dead. To enable rabbis to answer this questions, up-to-date commentaries have been added to the Shulchan Aruch (written catalogue of halakhah), and whole books concerned with specific topics of halakhah are now being published. The continued reapplication of halakhah is an ongoing process (Forta). Works Cited Bernardini, Paolo, and Norman Fiering. The Jews and the Expansion of Europe to the West, 1450 to 1800. Berghahn Books, 2001. Forta, Arye. Judaism. Heinemann, 1995. Kaplan, Dana Evan. The Cambridge Companion to American Judaism. Cambridge University Press, 2005. Wylen, Stephen M. Settings of Silver: An Introduction to Judaism. Paulist Press, 2000. 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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Reality Shows Should Be Banned Essay

The main essence of reality shows is to put ordinary people in a social confined setting with extraordinary environment and activities with the aim of entertaining audiences with the illusion that what is going on is not scripted nor rehearsed. Most reality shows attempt to convince the audience that the participants of the show are being pushed to their physical, emotional or physiological limits in order to complete a specific task or attain a certain goal of which audience cheer on their favorite participant. With the change in times and technology most reality shows have gone over board and have forgotten the basic concept of reality shows and are now focusing more on entertainment than reality that has lead to increase in sexual exposure, humiliation and immorality. Reality shows have lost their way from original series like survivor to the new mediocre series of two celebrities living in a farm yard for a week. Reality TV has joined the ranks of day time entertainment and has lost the spark of spontaneous originality from other forms of scripted entertainment. Additionally, the most famous reality shows worldwide are big brother and Idols; these two are examples of scripted and well rehearsed reality shows. In the just concluded episode of idols a judge was dared to sing out of the blue and it so happened just by â€Å"coincidence† that the band started playing a song which the judge joined in emphatically without hesitation. The crowed cheered and applauded for the â€Å"unexpected† performance by the judge. Such reality T.V. shows give viewers and more so children false hope of a â€Å"happily ever after† reality were heroes and heroines live thus insulting the intelligence of the viewers. In the case of big brother viewers are subjected to sex as a form of entertainment. Relationships formed in the big brother house give the participant a better chance of winning the competition and increase his/her ratings thus the audience spends time and money voting for the participant so they can enjoy seeing the participants relationship grow. And due to the full disclosure nature of the show all activities are broadcasted and shown live on our T.V. sets exposing and encouraging our youths, young adults and children to sex, immorality and promiscuous behaviors. Furthermore, the common comic saying â€Å"its funny until someone gets hurt, then it’s hilarious† comes to life in most reality shows. Producers of reality shows capitalize  on the demise and misfortunes of participants. When a contestant falls down or gets hurt in anyway it is taken as a form of entertainment or comedy not knowing the humiliation and psychological trauma they instill in the participant. Examples of such shows are â€Å"show me the funny† â€Å"Real T.V.† and â€Å"Fear factor†. Show me the funny capitalizes on bloopers of home made videos which show family member having accidents such as hitting each other being bitten by a snake or having a ball hit them on their faces. Turning such perilous or even fatal accidents to o form of humor encourages children to view violence and accidents as vivacious events and not the precarious activities they are. Producers also capitalize on the eviction or the inability of a participant to complete a certain assignment. The humiliation and reaction of a participant being evicted or accepting defeat is a high point of most reality T.V. which is morally and ethically wrong. The failure of a fellow human being should be frowned upon and not celebrated. 2) Here are plenty of reality shows which are being shown on television channels world wide, in which one can see lots of aspirants taking to the stunts and heroic acts as they want to win the coveted title and they did some shots which amaze the audiances and keep them on their tender nooks, its also done to increase the rating of the channel in the tele shows. There are plenty of reality shows which are being shown on television channels world wide, in which one can see lots of aspirants taking to the stunts and heroic acts as they want to win the coveted title and they did some shots which amaze the audiences and keep them on their tender nooks, its also done to increase the rating of the channel in the tele shows. I am not sure if they are there in your part of the world, channels like Sony and Zee TV they show lot of enthusiasm in such things. The weird things they shown on the small screen are hair raising and put a lot of questions in viewers minds as to such things can be accomplished in real life or not. But the stunt mania grips the minds of innocent public and kids alike. They all want feats and also want to show off to their genre of friends and foes. In the process they might hurt themselves badly. Although there are several reports of teen-aged children being hurt in the process of macho man image building but to no avail as the generation is fast and furious, they just want their way and life to be left to them. I am not sure about consequences and impact  they could have but it is for sure, every one wants his part of fame and attention in public, for we are mortal beings and success is our ambition in life. Effect on teenagers Social cognitive theory suggests that meaningful sources of identity can be discovered by people in their teens who feel â€Å"connected† to what they’re viewing. Thus, when attempting to understand media’s role in the development of teenagers, it is crucial to be aware of the time they devote to their shows like reality television due to this strong influence[48] America’s Next Top Model is often criticized for it’s portrayal of women and poor body image. When faced with the image of a thin, beautiful, successful models, young girls may feel inferior, leading to low self-esteem and eating disorders. Likewise, Jersey Shore is denounced for it’s representation of being a single, young adult. Young people idolize the show’s cast, making them susceptible to imitate their actions, such as promiscuity, violence, and binge drinking.[citation needed]

Monday, July 29, 2019

Define the term 'Constructive Total Loss' for the purposes of the Essay

Define the term 'Constructive Total Loss' for the purposes of the Marine Insurance Act 1906. What are the difficulties with this definition Use case law examples to support your arguments - Essay Example The first was in the United Kingdom Court of Appeal in two thousand and eleven namely; EWCA Civ 24 and the second was the judgment in the case of Masefield v. Amlin delivered by Lord Steel in two thousand and ten namely; Lloyd’s Rep. IR 345. The definition of Constructive Total Loss provided by the Marine Insurance of 1906 leaves gaps and raises many questions when applied in modern cases that did not exist during enactment of the law more than one hundred years ago. Complexity arises when the complainant argues that ignoring a ransom payment amounts to asserting that a total loss claim is genuine and legal. This explanation means that it is not possible to retrieve deprivation according to the Marine Insurance Act of 1906 section fifty-seven subsection one. In this case, it is against public policy to claim a ransom. It is at this point that the definition provided by the 1906 Act creates difficulties regarding finding a solution to such situations. The definition generates crucial questions covering both legal aspects and public policy formulation processes. This discourse examines the difficulties raised by defining a total loss on the background of English definition given in the marine Insurance Policy of 1906. Highlighted examples include the new wave of crimes such as piracy The introduction of the constructive total loss aimed at codifying regulations touching on marine insurance. This formed the basis of introducing section sixty of in Marine Insurance Act of 19061. A constructive total loss during reasonable abandonment of the insured property regarding the unavoidability of occurrence of a total loss depending on any direct offering in the public policy. Alternatively it occurs if it was difficult to prevent the occurrence of a total loss. The legislative Act of 19062 covering marine policy further specifies that it is not possible for the owner of the property to recover viewing the position of the case and that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gold Coast Tafe marketing and survey research Case Study

Gold Coast Tafe marketing and survey research - Case Study Example They possess the ability to make determinate relationship s between various constructs, they are easy to use, and have no researcher bias. The technique allows for precise definitions of concepts and relationships relating these concepts. This technique is also best used when those in participation have experience with the domain being studied (Fransella & Richard, 2012). For instance, they should identify representative elements and have the ability to compare them using a set of criteria. Performing a grid analysis with education experts on the value of an academic brand can be achieved through professionals and researchers who are familiar with current and recent advances in the education sector (Jankowicz, 2009). Repertory grids are best used when practical and concrete examples are available. For example, financial tools that study the current trends of education institutions in the same region as GCIT and regions that they want to expand to; this could be used to determine the value of the brand. To decipher this, there are certain procedures used in repertory grid analysis. The first is element elicitation where the researcher has to select elements that represent the topic. For instance, to analyze the value of a brand, the elements would include similar brands. For various types of knowledge elicitation interviews, cards are utilized with element names shown to participants. The second step is constructing elicitation where the researcher will perform knowledge elicitation using personal constructs from the elements (Peio, 2012). To understand the way in which the individual perceives the elements, the researcher elicits scalar constructs, for instance, using the triadic method where interviewed individuals compare various subjects and states how...This is important because the group should not have conflicts on the issue that is under discussion. In these discussions, future educational course trends and present trends are collected. To conduct focus group research, the candidates are screened to determine the composition of the specific group. The researcher will also avoid groups that have relatives and friends among them to avoid discussion bias. A key factor in focus groups is to have groups that are similar with six to eight groups being desirable. The criteria that will guide the researcher are whether the latter groups generate any additional information (Puchta & Potter, 2009). The moderator has a key role to ensure that the discussion proceeds in the right direction. In marketing, focus groups are essential tools for getting feedback with regards to launching a new product, for instance launching GCIT to a national and international market (Stewart et al, 2011). These focus groups will allow GCIT as they seek to develop and test a new market, to view, discuss, and test their brand before they make it available to these markets. This will give valuable information concerning the acceptance of the potential market for the institution’s products.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Breaking the chains of psychological slavery Essay

Breaking the chains of psychological slavery - Essay Example The author of the paper has presented his agreement or disagreement with the views presented by Akbar in the first three chapters of the book. The Psychological Legacy of Slavery In the first one of series of essays presented in Akbar’s book, Dr. Akbar defines the misery of blacks over the period of those 300 years, in which the black raced experienced brutality and humiliation in the hands of whites. According to the author, the blacks were forced into slavery which left behind deep psychological trauma in the mindset of black people and socially isolated them. Akbar states that, despite of the fact that world has acknowledged the brutality of slavery experienced all around the world, they still do not know or do not want to know the root cause of problems faced by black people, i.e. the slavery. The problems identified by Akbar pertaining to black peoples’ attitude, were directed towards their behavior at workplace, leading teams, feeling inferiority complexes and how the community divides them from white people. Akbar argues that the negative impact of slavery on black peoples’ attitude towards life can also be noticed in the way they form families and perceive discrimination on the basis of race and color. In my personal opinion, I would like to disagree with Akbar when he suggests that the effects of slave past can be noticed in the attitude towards profession. These days, blacks are dominating major positions in a number of key businesses in the world. On the other hand, blacks are provided with equal opportunities to excel in their profession and achieve their assigned targets. Another factor that has been identified with relation to Black’s attitude towards community division, I would like to agree with Akbar here. This is because still there are evidences where whites are discriminated on the basis of color and race. The recent example is of major sporting events like football leagues and hockey matches. But, due to prevalen ce of law and anti-racial regulations implemented by the government and by employers at workplace, Black people are now encouraged to report that to law enforcing organizations. Liberation from Mental Slavery The second chapter of the book discusses how to break the mental chains of the slavery and its adverse impact on the mind set-up of individuals. Based on Akbar’s idea of faith, the author argues that some of the time, people believe what is not actually practical. Similarly, blacks were sometimes were provided with false and rumored news about the whites and vice versa. I agree with the point raised by Dr. Akbar about faith. Faith is something that is meaningless and limitless. Faith reflects the level of trust an individual have for another individual. Based on faith, people make decisions that are critical to the situations in their lives. In this manner, to ensure successfully achieving objectives or to make something happen in your favor, one must have faith. Similar ly, if individuals’ belief that they are going to get freedom, they first must have faith on their belief, so as to ensure that full commitment and honesty is reflected in our efforts towards achieving freedom. Coming back to the denial of slave mentality of blacks, Akbar states that to make freedom possible, the blacks must have to believe that they are going to achieve freedom. This freedom gave their confidence level a boost which proved to be a vital weapon in their efforts to achieve freedom. Giving the example of Harriet Tubman’s efforts to free slaves, Tubman expresses her faith that she is going to free slave, which other wise would not have been possible in the absence of faith and


WESTERN CIVILIZATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (continuity and discontinuity) - Term Paper Example Similar advancement derailment could happen at any of the successive psychosexual stages resulting differently to anal retentive personal traits or, subsequent, to an Oedipus intricate. These concepts have a reflective effect on the western culture, more so on the concept that mature personality is considerably formed in the initial stages of the childhood and that the foundational causes of many mature problems must therefore be met and therapeutically revealed in the childhood happening (Woods, 2005). A corollary conclusion was that each point relied on the other. This needed the successful conclusion of each preceding stage. Knowledge of the internal logic in each stage would allow prediction of the later stages (Khalakdina, 2008). There was also an assumption that, the initial stages of child advancement would have a decisive effect on all the later development and the outline of an adult and his conduct (Constantineau, & McLuhan, 2010). The persistence of this conviction in the decisive effect of initial knowledge can be viewed in the normally held notion amid the contemporary middle class parents that they will achieve their children’s development without the concern of the stage of such children As it has already been discussed above, the idea of the continuity is so intensely ingrained in the modern observations of human advancement that is regularly merely assumed. In spite of its foundation being found in the Aristotle and other western scholars, it remains clearly a contemporary idea (West, 2008). Prior to the contemporary era, the prevailing observation of people’s lives was religious rather than secular. Augustine confessions afforded a vivid and compelling appearance of this sacred western view on the fundamental course and connotation of human existence a master narrative of its vital themes and matters. According to the master narrative, people come into the world together with burden of the new sins and the liberty and the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Stakeholder Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stakeholder Management - Essay Example As the research discusses the first management process is identification of stakeholders. The stakeholder selected should be able to match the needs and objective of the organization. On the other hand, Stakeholder should abide by the provisions provided for the partnership to exist. After selection stakeholders should then be prioritized based on what they offer to bring to the partnership. Prioritization is based on the needs of the organizations and how much the stakeholders offer. Understanding the key stakeholders is then required in order to create a proper engagement framework. Key principles are then identified. In addition, organizational stakeholders are also identified to increase engagement approaches used during the process of stakeholder engagement. Communication and engagement with stakeholders is then instigated to create a long term interaction all way through the entire project. From the report it is clear that the importance of control stakeholder engagement and manage stakeholder engagement in the organization are mainly based on ensure project objectives are met within the specified period of time. The organization understands what is required from the stakeholder relationship until the project is complete. In an argument by Turner the engagement approaches provide an overview of what project completion requires in regards to the partnership with stakeholders. Most importantly, organization or project managers are able to detect any new or unexpected requirements as the project continues.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

HUM200_ESSAY1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HUM200_ESSAY1 - Essay Example The foremost among them was its glorification of man instead of God and that man was the gauge of all things and had indefinite potential. The Renaissance started in the city of Florence in Italy, and subsequently expanded into the rest of Italy and afterwards into Northern Europe. Artistically, the Renaissance shaped a completely new approach to express human emotions and ethics by the use of architecture, sculpture and in particular painting. As history reveals, the painters of the Renaissance, like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt and many others, did not evaluate their work merely evaluate on the feats of their large number of predecessors. They utilized the new scientific theories of their age and related their points of view to create paintings that reflected practical and realistic images. They mostly painted idealized figures and pictures based on humanistic concepts and principles, which manifested their ideals of man being separate from God and showed that his environment was a natural occurrence and not the result of a higher power. The paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, for example, reflect the ideals of humanism and materialism. Leonardo da Vinci often referred to as the Renaissance man, was an expert in a number of fields and had an extensive range of interests. He was not only an artist and musician, but also a sculptor, painter, architect as well as a scientist. He dissected the dead bodies of human beings to make the way muscles and bones functioned. His sketchbooks consist of diagrams and operational schemes of flying machine and undersea boats. His famous paintings include Mona Lisa, The Last Supper (which was painted on a plaster wall using oil) and Madonna and Child with Saint Anne. Leonardo da Vinci’s keen interest in human anatomy leads to the perfection of his paintings. He was very skilled with the drawings of the human face and no better painting than that of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare and contrast a christian and jewish woman's expression of Essay

Compare and contrast a christian and jewish woman's expression of spiritual feminism - Essay Example Spirituality presents a rational way to move toward the topic of "feminism and Christianity. In the 1970s, a new event appeared inside the women's association in the United States under the name of "feminist spirituality." This movement came to Europe around 1980. It arose from the imminent that the beginning of women’s estrangement goes deeper than the divergence of sex-roles between man and woman. Its ancestry lies in the dualism between spirit and body which characterizes patriarchate itself. In the following ten to fifteen years many other new phenomena appeared which can be treated under the heading of feminist spirituality. In the first place, such spirituality has to to be one of freedom. The theological basis lies in the courage to be, which means the courage to choose life. "Life and death I give you, blessing and curse. Choose life," says the bible. Liberation spirituality starts off perturbed with and in upheaval against all structures in society and church based on man-woman relations and the resultant limitations these place on women's autonomy. as a society, women can fulfill an intercessory purpose, moving in the field of the Spirit who sets us free from all peripheral restraints. Living in the Spirit of Christ encourages us not to allow ourselves to be incarcerated any more. Liberation spirituality is therefore also a revolutionary spirituality which can be productive only if it fuses together elements of the journey to Tabor, the Transfiguration, and the return journey to the Jerusalem of death and resurrection. For liberation is finally a way to freedom: freedom to love, to celebrate ordinary life, to become open to the Mystery of our existence which we call God. There we find liberty to live carefully and to listen, which is the basis for the liberation effort. Establishing a connection between Latin-American liberation theology and feminist liberation spirituality, it strikes as important that Gustavo Gutierrez places special importance on the knowledge of God's grace. For him, "Communion with God and with all people is first and foremost a gift." Jewish: IN THE PAST TWENTY YEARS there has been a sometimes quiet, sometimes loud, but mostly unremarked rebellion in North American Jewish spirituality, based on feminism. New prayers, rituals, and speech to address theology are some of the more clear changes. Equally important are new forms of spiritual leadership, changes in mutual authority, and even telling details such as services held in circles rather than hierarchically planned arrangements. The expansion of modern Jewish feminist spirituality has rested on three approaches to ritual. The first is reinterpretation: a reconsideration of recognized sources from feminist positions. On a philosophical level, Jewish feminists have found areas of important convergence between Judaism and feminism. The most significant of these is a fundamental discrimination and valuing of interrelationship. Just as the essential feminist imminent that "the personal is political" emphasizes the associations among all those aspects of acquaintance to Jewish theology. Both perspectives imitate a wish to observe the amazing present in the mundane and to be aware of the daily choices involved in our lives, which constantly create and re-create the larger world. Finally, the link between individual liberation and social change couched in the thoughtful that "the personal is political" has been a characteristic of Jewish thought since biblical times. As compared to models of spirituality that highli ght indifference or otherworldliness, Jewish spirituality is entrenched in the interrelationship among study (in the better sense of learning and teaching), prayer (including manifestation common visions and public festivity), and social work for justice. In contrast to other spiritual ethnicity, such as Christianity or Buddhism, Judaism has no historical models of a women's spiritual society. Separatist Jewish feminism has busted momentous new

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Article # 3 (due 9-28) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article # 3 (due 9-28) - Essay Example The financial position of Steward has enabled it to offer a low-cost health insurance option thereby making the services available to many low income earners. The articles states that Stewards business model has been described as ‘Big Med’ by some doctors. This is so because of the firm large-scale, production-line medicine. Various players in the healthcare industry hold the view that Steward want to create a network of high-quality hospitals. The main objective would be making services appealing even to the cost-conscious citizens. Steward is spending millions of dollars in acquiring Mercy and other facilities in order to ensure centralization and standardization. When this is achieved, it aims at providing higher quality and lower costs to consumers. According to the article steward expansion is triggered by the need to introduce new products and services that are accessible to more customers. The main idea is to compete more, based on quality and cost. Healthcare providers are waiting to see how the transaction is going to impact the market. In my view Steward should go ahead and acquire Mercy. This way, there will be increased access to quality health care especially to the Greater Portland

Monday, July 22, 2019

Chicken Ala Carte Essay Example for Free

Chicken Ala Carte Essay Thousands of people die every day due to hunger and malnutrition. This short film shows a forgotten portion of the society. The people who live on the refuse of men to survive. What is inspiring is the hope and spirituality that never left this people. It clearly displayed that hunger and poverty kicks as main problem of the society and some people are too blind to see it. The videography of the film was too shaky and some parts are blurry. This is actually effective for me as for the fact that it is a documentary and it made me feel like I am in the real setting of the event. Another element is the actors in the film. They portrayed their roles truly and they were really convincing which made the film so sympathetic and melancholic. The songs used in the later part of the film also added to the mood. The setting of the film was very dirty and crowded, enough components to represent a place where poverty is happening. The kids in the squatters’ area were also good representations of hunger and malnutrition in an isolated community. The most powerful part of the story, for me, was when the father tapped his kid on his hands, which cannot wait to eat, just because he forgot to pray. This showed me that even though things are getting to worse than expected, we still have to give thanks to Him for we are blessed that we still live this life with His spirit guiding us. It also displayed to me the spirituality of a man and his faith that is strong enough to continue living their lives. Furthermore, this film made me realize that I am so blessed. Many people out there struggle for food while I can easily buy them anywhere I wanted to. I can choose where to live while they cannot because they cannot afford a concrete shelter. These people are the ones in need and we must have time to reach out for them to have their chance of having a life with comfort. In addition, I couldn’t stop myself from having sympathy for those who are on the overlooked portion of our country for they are the ones who deserve to benefit the profit our country has earned. In this kind of situation, you can’t really avoid to demand that those people should be the one our government should be focusing on improving one’s life due to the fact that since they pursue themselves to the politics, it is their duty to serve their countrymen first before anything else. Aside from scarcity, I believe education is also the key to keep away from those kinds of circumstances in life because if you are a well-educated person, you will be aware of family planning and most especially you have the capability to earn money and buy foods in order for you and your family to survive.

Save water Essay Example for Free

Save water Essay WATER SAVINGS PROTOCOL ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Final Version 3.0 June 2009 Acknowledgements This document has been prepared by the Department of Sustainability and Environment in collaboration with Goulburn-Murray Water, the Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project (NVIRP) with technical advice provided by Hydro Environmental. -i- TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction _______________________________________________________ 1 2. Purpose of this Document ___________________________________________ 2 3. Roles and Responsibilities ___________________________________________ 2 3.1. Project Proponent _____________________________________________________3 3.2. Water Corporation _____________________________________________________4 3.3. Resource Manager_____________________________________________________4 3.4. Minister for Water and Associated Departments ______________________________5 3.4.1. Department for Sustainability and Environment ______________________________ 5 3.5. Minister for Planning and Community Development and Associated Departments ____6 3.6. Minister for Environment and Associated Departments _________________________6 3. 6.1. Catchment Management Authorities (Environmental Managers) _________________ 6 3.7. Murray-Darling Basin Authority ___________________________________________7 4. High Level Process Diagram for Assessing Water Savings ________________ 7 ii 1. Introduction This document â€Å"Roles and Responsibilities† is part of the â€Å"Water Savings Protocol for the Quantification of Water Saving Projects† (the Protocol). The Protocol is a series of documents, which together, provides transparency, and consistency in the estimation and allocation of water savings derived from irrigation modernisation projects. It has been developed based on the key principles in the Draft Northern Region Sustainable Water Strategy and is applicable State-wide. The Protocol consists of: †¢ Technical Manual for the Quantification of Water Savings †¢ Roles and Responsibilities †¢ Water Savings Audit Process The documents that make up the Protocol is shown in Figure 1. WATER SAVINGS PROTOCOL FOR THE QUANTIFICATION OF WATER SAVINGS FROM IRRIGATION MODERNISATION PROJECTS Explanatory Note from the Minister Technical Manual For Quantification of Water Savings Roles Responsibilities Water Savings Audit Process Figure 1: Water Savings Protocol documents The overall purpose of the Water Savings Protocol documents, including this document, is to: †¢ specify a reliable and repeatable process and method to estimate water savings from irrigation modernisation projects; -1- †¢ †¢ 2. provide the best estimate of water savings for inclusion in economic assessments of investments in irrigation modernisation projects; and establish a transparent process which can be readily audited and reported on to enable actual water savings to be converted to entitlements at an appropriate time. Purpose of this Document The purpose of this document is to set out the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved in irrigation modernisation projects. The roles and responsibilities are specifically related to the accounting, reporting and auditing of associated water savings. These roles and responsibilities are consistent with Government Policies including the legislated roles and responsibilities of the various organisations in the Water Act 1989 and the Environmental Effects Act 1978. 3. Roles and Responsibilities The following sections outline the specific roles and responsibilities of the various organisations involved in water savings projects. These organisations include:i. the Project Proponent ii. the System Operator iii. the Minister for Water iv. the Department of Sustainability and Environment (the Department) v. Environmental Regulator (Minister for Planning) and Associated Departments vi. Minister for Environment and Associated Departments vii. Environmental Manager (Catchment Management Authority and/or Parks Victoria) viii. the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (in relation to Northern Victoria). The relationship between the above mentioned organisations and their involvement in water savings projects throughout Victoria can be seen schematically in Figure 2. -2- Minister for Environment and Climate Change Minister for Planning and Community Development Catchment Management Authorities Water Corporation Parks Victoria Minister for Water Resource Manager / System Operator Department of Sustainability and Environment Murray Darling Basin Authority Project Proponent Figure 2: Victorian Water Savings Projects – Key Organisations 3.1. Project Proponent The project proponent is the entity with the role of planning, designing and delivering the irrigation modernisation project including its various water savings interventions. The role of the Proponent is to: †¢ identify water saving opportunities. †¢ devise and develop the scope of projects in conjunction with the holder of the system operating water entitlement. †¢ seek all necessary approvals to works and endorsement of their associated water savings. †¢ identify potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures and consult with the appropriate environmental managers at a State and Federal level. †¢ quantify the volume of water savings to be generated by each intervention in accordance with the methodology outlined in the Technical Manual for the Quantification of Water Savings. †¢ prior to implementing the annual works program, and at reasonable intervals throughout the season if requested by the System Operator, calculate the estimated interim water savings for the current/future irrigation season for the purpose for setting this water aside for future allocation. †¢ communicate to the System Operator, the planned annual works program and changes as they occur. †¢ implement works in accordance with the works program. -3- †¢ communicate any significant departures from the planned works program, as it is implemented, to the System Operator. †¢ notify the System Operator and the Executive Director of Water Entitlements and Strategies (within the Department) of the volumes of water that are expected to be set aside (Interim Savings) and transferred (Long Term Savings) as result of each intervention being implemented. †¢ calculate the actual water savings arising from the works in accordance with the Technical Manual for the Quantification of Water Savings to determine both the interim and the long term water savings. †¢ report, as required, the projected interim and final water savings including any details of changes from the overall targeted volumes of water savings for the project or water savings intervention. †¢ arrange for an independent audit and report of the water savings utilising the independent auditor(s) awarded to the auditing of water savings by the independent panel in accordance with the Audit Process. †¢ advise the System Operator and Executive Director of Water Entitlements and Strategies (within the Department) on the outcomes of the water savings audit 3.2. Water Corporation The Water Corporation is responsible for assessing system losses on the longer term to ensure longevity of water savings realised through interventions associated with irrigation modernisation projects. The System Operator is to: †¢ ensure water delivery services can continue to be provided to water entitlement holders on the system. †¢ on the advice of the proponent, consult with system water users impacted by the agreed project works. †¢ provide water system asset information required to enable the Project Proponent to complete interim and long term water savings projections. †¢ apply to Minister for Water to amend/transfer part of the savings as water entitlement. †¢ operate and maintain the water delivery system in accordance with the agreed project objectives and ensure accountable water savings are sustainable and maintained in the long term. 3.3. Resource Manager The Resource Manager or Storage Operator, as defined in the relevant bulk entitlements, is responsible for managing and allocating the water resources in accordance with the bulk entitlements. This includes making and projecting seasonal determinations. The Resource Manager / Storage Operator is to: †¢ provide to the proponent, projections of annual water deliveries and allocations to enable the progressive calculation of interim water savings as the project is implemented. -4- †¢ manage and collect water delivery system flow (inflow and outflow) measurement data and make that data available t the Project Proponent. †¢ ensure provision of water related data to the Project Proponent and the Department is guaranteed through a quality assurance process. Where the data has been modified or filtered, provide both the raw and modified data including documentation of reasons for modification. †¢ at the start of each irrigation season, or progressively as agreed, set aside the amounts of water projected to be saved through the modernisation works. †¢ confirm the estimates of actual water savings provide by the Project Proponent and where necessary recommend an amendment to those savings for consideration by the Project Proponent. 3.4. Minister for Water and Associated Departments The Minister for Water is responsible for the water portfolio in the State of Victoria. The Minister oversees the policy direction with the support of the Department. The delivery of long term water savings and ensuring government water savings targets are met is a key responsibility of the Minister. The Minister for Water: †¢ has agreed to the Water Savings Framework and its associated Water Savings Protocols including its Technical Manual for the Quantification of Water Savings and the Water Savings Audit Processes †¢ will, with the support of the Department, update the Protocol to ensure continual improvement and the use of the best technical basis available at the time. †¢ will, with the support of the Department, amend and transfer Bulk entitlements (Water Act 1989) to represent the long term water savings realised through the modernisation program. 3.4.1. Department for Sustainability and Environment The Department supports the Minister for Water in the administration of the water portfolio in Victoria with respect to water recovery. The Department will: †¢ support the Minister for Water in developing a Technical Manual for the Quantification of Water Savings (Attachment 1) and the associated Audit Processes (Attachment 3). †¢ support the Minister for Water in amending and transferring bulk entitlements. †¢ recommend to the Minister for Water updates to the Protocols, particularity the Technical Manual for the Quantification of Water Savings to ensure continual improvement and the use of the best technical basis available at the time. †¢ convene a meeting with the System Operator and the Project Proponent and Department a minimum of every 6 months to review the application of the Technical Manual for the Quantification of Water Savings in Northern Victoria. -5- †¢ arrange for a Panel to establish a list of independent auditors which may be used to audit water savings estimates and related baseline data (both interim savings on annual basis and long term savings at the end of the water savings project). †¢ establish an agreed methodology for calculating the annual Long Term Cap Equivalent (LTCE) conversion factor to be used in long term water savings estimates. †¢ provide the Project Proponent (and System Operator if requested) with the Long Term Cap Equivalent conversion factors for particular years. 3.5. Minister for Planning and Community Development and Associated Departments The Minister for Planning and Community Development oversees the adherence of water savings projects to all relevant environmental legislation (both State and Federal). The Minister for Planning and Community Development will: †¢ assess environmental impacts of the works and measures proposed by the Project Proponent †¢ provided certain conditions are met, issue planning approvals for the works proposed by the Project Proponent (it should be noted that it is not the role of regulator to quantify the volume of water savings). 3.6. Minister for Environment and Associated Departments The Minister for Environment is responsible for management and mitigation of any undesirable impacts of the water savings project. The Minister for Environment has a responsibility to: †¢ work with environmental managers to consult on any potential environmental impact of works and seek multiple benefit projects †¢ provide advice to the Minister for Planning and Community Development on potential environmental impacts associated with works †¢ develop the principles for the planning and use of Requisite (Mitigating) Water to ensure net environmental gain to the project region. 3.6.1. Catchment Management Authorities (Environmental Managers) The Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) have a charter to develop and oversee the implementation of Regional Catchment Strategies aimed at improving or at least maintaining catchment health and to, on behalf of the Minister for Environment, manage the environmental water entitlements. The role related to the environmental water entitlement includes: †¢ improving river and wetland health through the use of the Environmental Water Reserve and delivery of complementary works. †¢ working with the water savings Project Proponent to identify potential environmental impacts of the actions and potential mitigation measures proposed by the Project Proponent. -6- †¢ working with the Project Proponent and System Operator to seek multiple benefit projects and multiple project benefits. In instances where Parks Victoria is the owner or custodian of the land, the catchment responsibilities for the maintenance of catchment heath will be delivered through Parks Victoria. 3.7. Murray-Darling Basin Authority The Murray-Darling Basin Authority is responsible for integrated, sustainable management of water resources in the Murray-Darling Basin. Its role includes: †¢ ensuring appropriate water diversion accounting against the Murray-Darling Basin Cap on allowable annual diversions. †¢ developing and implementing of the Basin Management Plan which will be a strategic plan for the integrated and sustainable management of water resources in the Murray-Darling Basin. Details of the future role of the Authority in relation to water savings will be resolved as part of the Basin Plan. 4. High Level Process Diagram for Assessing Water Savings The quantification of water savings is undertaken in four separate stages or Phases of the water savings project, these phases are defined as follows: †¢ Phase 1: †¢ Phase 2: †¢ Phase 3: †¢ Phase 4: The initial â€Å"Business Case† long term estimates of water savings for the planned program of works The annual pre-works estimates of interim water savings to be set aside within the water savings account. The annual post-works measurement or verification of interim water savings able to be allocated from the water savings account. The end of program assessment of the overall long term water savings achieved through the modernisation program. Each of the Phases, and the steps which are required to quantify the water savings under these Phases, is described in detail within the Technical Manual for the Quantification of Water Savings. Figure 3 schematically describes the roles and responsibilities of the above mentioned organisations in estimating, measuring, verifying, and reporting water savings associated with irrigation system modernisation programs. The interactions between each of the Phases of reporting and the required information sharing are also provided within that diagram. -7- Figure 3: High level process flow for defining, capturing reporting Water Savings in Irrigation Modernisation Project -8-

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Human Resource Management Strategies

Human Resource Management Strategies Introduction The importance of international human resource management is getting increase everyday as we have globalisation and internationalisation over the world. As a result, numbers of the multinational companies are getting increase. According to Brewster et al. (2007), the multinational companies are increasing and there is economic dominance as 80% of the industrial output for the world is produce by the worlds 1,000 largest companies. Brewster et al. (2007) also mentioned that as the number of multinational company increases, global transferring is increasing such as sending works between team members of the company based everywhere over the world. In addition, through this trend, diversity is increasing within the organisation and the multiculturalism must be carefully considered by the organisation to utilise its human resources effectively in their organisation. The one of crucial role of human resource manager is developing effective human resource management policies and practices for organisation such as recruitment, reward, training, development, flexibility, work-life balance, employee relations and communications (Brewster et al, 2007). However, these policies and practices can be varied between national cultures. Rosenzweig and Nohria (1994) argued that HR is the area of management most likely to be subject to national differences (Cited in Brewster et al, 2007). In these days, many large companies are trying to expand the company from their own country of origin to all over the world. These multinational companies are all facing same issues, which are developing policies and practices for the human resource management in their subsidiary overseas operations. In this paper, as a senior human resource manager of a multinational company in the Great Britain, will be discussed the main factors which will be considered while developing policies and practices for subsidiary in Latin America and also differences of policies and practices between the UK and the Latin America subsidiary operations. Culture Before start its operations, it is crucial that company looks for cultural differences between home and subsidiary countries. Briscoe et al. (2009) defined the culture, Culture is the characteristic way of behaving and believing that a group of people have developed over time and share. Brewster et al. (2007) argued that it is important managers to know how organisation formation and process, leadership idea, human resource practices can be affected by national cultural differences in this borderless world. These differences could make crash when the company start operations in various countries. According to Briscoe et al. (2009), these differences will become striking challenge for the company when people in the company has less knowledge or uncomfortable with these differences. In result, both operations and their human relations within the company will be failed. Briscoe et al. (2009) also added that when company uses their home country practices for activities such as recruiting in their overseas subsidiary, it will lead alienation and lack in trust and could be further more consequences. As many authors and scholars mentioned, it is important to look at the cultural differences between home country, which is the Great Britain, and overseas operations in Latin America. For the point of departure, Elvira and Davilla (2005) recommended to use the Hofstedes research as it is widely known, accepted and used to explore the cultural differences. Briscoe et al. (2009) also mentioned that Hofstede made the first major study and best known of the studies of the differences in national cultures. Hofstede discovered that the cultural differences could be divided and described by four factors: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, and masculinity (Brewster et al, 2007). Power distance The power distance dimension shows the level of equality within a society. According to Elvira and Davilla (2005), that the larger the power distance, the lesser the equality in a society, and the small the power distance the higher the level of equality in a society. It can be clearly defined that the Latin American countries are highly scored in the Hofstedes power distance index ranking table (Hofstede, 1991 cited in Brewster et al., 2007). According to the Hofstedes ranking table, five of ten countries at the top of table are all Latin American countries; it is Guatemala, Panama, Mexico, Venezuela, and Ecuador. The rest of Latin American countries also highly placed in the ranking table. Lucas et al. (2006) argued that high power distance countries like the Latin American countries, there are strong trend of hierarchical organisations and monocratic leadership. This argument can be proved by Hofstedes mentions, that the high power distance societies are more likely to be centralised and pyramid shape and a lot of superiors existed, large income gap between professions, a large scale of unskilled labours, and a higher respect for office jobs than jobs in manufacturing sector (Hofstede, 1982 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005). By contrast, the Great Britain scored low, which is rank 42 in the ranking table with Costa Rica, the one of Latin American countries. Not like the others, Costa Rica has lower power distance in their society. The Great Britain, however, scored low compare to the most of Latin American countries. Lucas et al. (2006) explained that the low power distance countries like the Great Britain mostly have horizontal structures and more democratic style of management. This kind of societies often called as equal society. Uncertainty avoidance Uncertainty avoidance dimension refers to the degree which members of a society desire structures, which has clear rules for appropriate performance (Elvira and Davilla, 2005). Brewster et al. (2007) also argued that the uncertainty avoidance is about the degree, which societies feel threatened by indefinite situations and try to escape ambiguous situations. According to Hofstedes uncertainty avoidance index ranking table (Hofstede, 1991 cited in Brewster et al., 2007), Latin American countries such as Guatemala, Uruguay, Peru, and Chile has highly ranked, which was in the top ten of table. The rest of Latin American countries also have highly ranked in the table. The companies in high uncertainty avoidance countries like Latin American countries, has strong bureaucracies, task-oriented, rules, and job constancy. In result, in Latin American countries, they fight with uncertainty situations through these strong bureaucratic management styles an in addition, Hofstedes mentions can support this argument that they are less willing to make individual or risky decisions, ritualised, and dependent on power to control uncertainty (Hofstede, 1982 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005). By contrast, the Great Britain clearly divided into different category from the Latin American countries, which can be seen from the table. They placed in rank 47 in the rank table, which is nearly bottom of table, it means they are totally different from the Latin Americans. Lucas et al. (2006) argued that the companies in the low uncertainty avoidance countries are encouraging more diversification in the views and have more flexible structures. In result, companies in the Great Britain are not relying on the power or others in their organisation to deal with the uncertainty situations, totally opposite from the Latin American. Individualism Individualism is the degree to which people prefer looking after themselves and performing individually rather than group working (Elvira and Davilla, 2005). Great Britain has ranked high in the Hofstedes individualism index ranking table (Hofstede, 1991 cited in Brewster et al., 2007), placed in third place following the USA and Australia. Great Britain is one of the highly individualist cultures in the world. According to Lucas et al. (2006), in highly individualist cultures like Great Britain, people in the society cares themselves and their family, and it is important for them to make achievement for themselves. By contrast, most of Latin American countries has ranked lower in the table, especially, Venezuela, Panama, Ecuador and Guatemala has places at the bottom of table. It means that they are low in individualism, which can be said that they are highly collectivist countries. According to Elvira and Davilla (2005), companies in collectivist countries, they concern individual as well as family welfare and people have a sense of duty and loyalty for the company. Hofstede (1991) argued that there are strong relationship between high power and collectivism. Hofstede added that if people dependent on each other in the group, they usually dependent on power distance figures. However, Hofstede explained that there are exceptions, for instance, France, which has high power distance with strong individualism (Hofstede, 1991 cited in Brewster et al, 2007). Masculinity Masculinity is the opposite of femininity (Lucas et al., 2006). According to Brewster et al. (2007), masculinity measures the extent to which the dominant values are male, such as assertiveness, the acquisition of money and goods, and not caring for others. Elvira and Davilla (2005) also argued that these values are related to the social role of men overcome other values like life quality, human relations, service, caring for the weak and goals related with womens roles. According to Hofstedes masculinity ranking table (Hofstede, 1991 cited in Brewster et al., 2007), Latin American countries has a dispersed scale of highs and lows. Venezuela, Mexico and Colombia highly ranked in the table, which is in the top eleven, however, Costa Rica and Chile ranked nearly bottom of table while the others are placed in the middle of table. Great Britain also expressed moderate value in the table; ranked at the ninth, which can be said it is a bit highly masculinity culture. Policies and practices So far, discussion of the cultural differences between home and overseas operations has been made. Theories and analyses of cultures and cultural differences are clearly studied and it will lead to help on developing the companys policies and practices in Latin America. However, in advance, defining and studying of the general policies and practices in Latin America will make this development further forward. Elvira and Davilla (2005) argued, at present, human resource management policies and practices in Latin America are mostly influenced by dominant global theories or imported practices from foreign countries. In result, these imported policies and practices are often cause failure when they implementing on their original plan. Montano (1991) also argued that these policies and practices would not fit to the general Latin American workers (Montano, 1991 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005) Another trends in Latin American countries are, that there are strict manufacturing processes and management control systems that stop workers development by reducing their decision making rights. In addition, there is an informal structure that symbolically compensate is going on for the impersonality of firm bureaucracies (Elvira and Davilla, 2005). Montano argued that theories are not needed to control the Latin American workers, while informal structure exist, Latin American companies will staying at the market (Montano, 1991 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005). Recruiting, staffing promotion In Latin America countries, recruiting is normally based on personality characters and physical characteristics (Elvira and Davilla, 2005). Abarca et al. (1998) highlighted, in Chilean companies, it is crucial that they primarily consider the physical characteristics such as appearance, age, and gender for selecting managerial staffs. In addition, it is vital to have good relationship with rich families, colleagues, or geographical bonds because it is most effective way to be promoted in the company hierarchies rather than their talent and ability (Abarca et al., 1998 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005). Husted and Serrano (2002) also argued that many companies in Latin America have been run as family business for several generations (Husted and Serrano, 2002 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005). In result, labour markets are small in Latin American countries and it means that people finds difficult to find jobs. As mentioned earlier in the precious section, about the Masculinity, quite many Latin American countries seem as high masculinity society and this fact is partially supported by Elvira and Davilla (2005) as they mentioned that women in Latin American countries are mainly works in manufacturing sector rather than authority positions because of few reasons and the one is companies in Latin America has negative attitude toward women in authority roles. Reward recognition It is crucial to develop motivation schemes for workers in the company to utilise their ability well. Before actually build the motivation scheme, it is important to consider the meaning of work for them. According to Elvira and Davilla (2005), in Latin America, family is central in workers lives. Generally, important aim for work is seen as to provide high life quality for the workers family. For this reason, companies in Latin America try to provide support and benefirs for workers family. According to Elvira and Davilla (2005), companies in Latin America provide health care, scholarships, support for purchasing education materials, and mortgage credit. Due to a family-oriented culture in Latin America, companies are never giving up thinking motivation schemes for workers as well as families. Elvira and Davilla (2005) also mentioned that many companies in Latin America hold many family events such as yearly family-day visits to the company, organise picnics, many different parties for the family, celebrate Mothers Day and Childrens Day, and offering some training courses as well. Training development Wilkens and Pawlowsky (1997) reported that 90 percent of the workers in an assembly plant in Mexico were unskilled or at most semi-technically skilled. This is due to lack of investment on training programmes by companies (Wilkens and Pawlowsky, 1997 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005). Chantell et al. (1999) and Lawrence and Lewis (1993) also argued that it is serious problem for Mexican workers that they have shortage of knowledge, education, and analytical and communication skills. Because this shortage delays the functioning of management practices, for instance, Just-In-Time production systems (Chantell et al., 1999 and Lawrence and Lewis, 1993 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005) The companies consider training the workers in modern management practices, however, they know that not all practices would match which local characteristics and some might be refused by workers or could be modified according to the Latin Americans style and experience (Chantell et al., 1999 and Sargent and Mattews, 1998 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005). Peterson et al. (2003) found the good example of training that US subsidiary taught Mexican employee to express their opinion at the company because they use to have fear of being sanctioned (Peterson et al., 2003 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005). Relations communications The information or communications flows mostly from top to bottom, as there are hierarchy and vertical structures at the companies in Latin America. There are often communication barriers exists for managers as Latin American managers prefer and favoured centralisation preferences (Wilkens and Pawlowsky, 1997 cited in Elvira and Davilla, 2005). The companies in Latin America, they consider personal contact vey seriously as they importantly consider the harmony and good labour climate. Elvira and Davilla (2005) argued, Social interaction and friendship are important conditions for good and stable labour relations here. Thus, someone who is courtesy and diplomacy can be highly valued. Conclusion To develop the human resource management policies and practices, it is crucial that we clearly define the cultures of the home and subsidiary countries as well as cultures of the company. Defining is not just enough to be success. The company needs to find out best matches of policies and practices for both subsidiary and company itself. In other word, we need the policies and practice, which can make both subsidiary and company in home country happy about it. There are often big difference between national cultures and company cultures. It is not great idea company to push their subsidiary to adapt original company culture and also conversely, it is also not great idea company to adapt whole culture of the subsidiary country. The headquarter might seriously consider the various different types of approaches that it mentioned earlier in this paper such as ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric, or regiocentric. Based on research, company could decide which approach is the best answer for them. The best-known culture of Latin America is the paternalism management, in other word, family style of management. Each members of company are dependent on each other, cares each other and they higher valued for group loyalty. This is what we dont have in the home country in Great Britain. The company can utilise this advantage culture with what they are good at. However, company also need carefully consider about employees priorities such as family-oriented living or religiosity. It might be a too obvious suggestions, however, it is crucial to clarify what is good about Latin American culture and also same for companys culture and should be well mixed them to make synergy effect. There is no one best answer, however, at least this study found reasonably good answer based upon research and analysis. Human Resource Management Strategies Human Resource Management Strategies It is very difficult to define Human Management Resources. This term basically work with in two different approach. It is used to explain the body of management movements covered in books as a one way and other way it is a term equally and extensively used to contribute meticulous loom to the managing persons which is obviously diverse from the first aspect i.e. of personnel management. Armstrong, 2007 Aims of HRM: The main and the primary aim of the human resource management is to achieve the sucsess in organization by the pople. According to Ulrich and Lake (1990), HRM systems can be the roots of organizational potentialities that allow firm to learn and capitalize on new chances. Armstrong, 2007 Introduction How well did your manager manage your stress? The basic and the important task of the Human Resource Management is to manage the employees and get the work done properly by satisfying the employees by giving them bonus or some kind of awards if they are working good for the company and in short we can say that company should give rewards to the employees which are working hard and should give something in returns to the employees so they will be more interested in the working of the company. Basically the topic says that how manager manage your stress. That clearly means that manager is the person who is answerable to the head persons for the work and task been performed. Thus manager is the person who will manage everything and make sure that the work is been done on time and with the perfection. Thus manager manage stress by giving him/her extra complements about the work and will give a good feedback to the head persons which will give rise to the extra bonus and rewards to the particular person. Atkinson, William. Electric Light Power, Vol. 82. Zofi, Yael Sara, For the Continuing Care Professional, Vol. 58 Ross, Judith A., Harvard Management Update, Apr2009. Specific HR Strategies: The specific HR strategies set out what the organization intends to do in areas such as: Continuous improvement Providing for continuous and focused incremental innovation sustained over a period of time. Talent management How exactly the firm intends to win the war of talent. Resourcing Retaining and attracting high-quality people. Knowledge management Capturing, creating, sharing, acquiring and using instruction to improve the performance and learning. Reward There should be a perfect goal of the organization that what organization need to do in the longterm implement and develop the reward policies, processes and practices will help the further accomplishments of the business objectives and needs of stakeholders. Learning and developing The employees should be encouraged to develop and learn by providing them such an environment. Employee relations Determine the aim of the organization about the basic requirement that they want to achieve i.e. which they want to get it done and what are the needs that are to be distorted in the traditions in which the business runs its connection with employees and their trade unions. Susman. Broker Magazine, Jun/Jul2004. Miller, Jeffrey. Insurance Advocate, 3/10/2008. Lacey, Holda. Travel Trade Gazette UK Ireland, 6/10/2005. Bolton, Brian. Personnel Psychology, Spring80, Vol. 33. Let us take an example to understand it more clearly; here we will focus on the current stress management system employed by KFC and its analysis. KFC hasnt employed any particular system to monitor stresses of their employees but they are compliant to the local labor and health safety law. This permits them to discount their stress management system. As compliance with those laws make them to stop doing any unethical and unlawful activities. There are other issues which are also related to stress management this things are not part of any law but these are the management practice by the KFC authority. These are presented below: Employees are allowed to take leave in case of stress related physical disorders and this leave are on payment. In case of burglary or something unwanted on the work place which can cause stress on their employees mind they send them to leave on  payment. They solve other minor stress related issues by counseling the problem and supporting morally or physically whichever is needed or both (varies to demand of the situation). As these topics indicate that they are protected by the law mentions above which gives a substantial protection against stress. And this also allows KFC to maintain good level of satisfaction. In spite of not having a proper stress management system but complying with these laws control the stress at workplaces. How well did your manager manage your stress? The manager is a person in the job unit who takes all my stress away as when I have a stress of going college he is the person who manages my job properly and give me an alternative way. The manager is a person whom you can directly approach and who is answerable to the employees and the head authorities as well. Manager at the market place has all the authority to do but he always does the thing which will give the maximum benefit to the company and will give up maximum to the organization as if organization gets good profit than obviously that manager will get a reward out of it and will probably get a promotion as well. The manager is a person who manages the employees stress at the work place as well. There are so many kind of stress seen at the work place like too much work, sometimes have to work overtime, sometime the target is very high to achieve. Thus this are the ways to be taken into consideration by the manager at the workplace as the manager wants to decrease the stress of the employee on the workplace. The stress is reduced by the manager to get the accuracy in the work and to get the things done with perfection. The stress on the employee makes the employee to work less and because of this the work done will never be perfect because while doing the work attention is very necessary to be kept in doing things properly. The manager manage the stress and give bonus or rewards to the employees at times so that the employees are happy and do the work with which the company gets the best work done and because of that again the employees will be eligible to get the bonus out of it. Stress is the most common word in todays life as plenty of people like us great effort at get their work life balanced. This is a so called fact that stress has sometimes a contrary effect on the employees commitment to work, staff turnover, staff work and productivity, attendance levels, as well as on customer satisfaction and organizational image and reputation. Managers job is to manage the things going in the business and manage the whole staff and also supervise the whole floor to get the perfect accuracy in work. The people are sometime told to work more to get the work done but due to that also the employee feel stressed because of the hard professional life so this is to be taken into control to avoid the problems taking place in the future in the business unit. Middleton, Gemma. Accountancy Ireland, Apr2008. Donaldson-Feilder, Emma, Strategic HR Review, 2008. Noer, David. BusinessWeek Online, 7/27/2009. Urwin, Tony. Occupational Health, Aug2006. Guld, Michael. Supervision, Oct2008. Some of the present information about KFC regarding Stress Management is as follows: There are stressors which are common in nature as other organizations. These stressors mainly transfuse the stress into the employees of KFC. Among those stressors some of them very highly influence some varies from moderate to low degree influence. Other insignificant stressors are not considered for the simplicity if the model. There are also existing relations between the stressors which increase the complexity of the model. As task demand highly influence the role demand of a job and both of them are a stressor of KFC so this interdependence also plays a great role in determining the stress. Level of Stress: a) High High level of stress has been created by the task demand, temperature of the kitchen and nationality. It is seen in the survey that all the respondents give emphasis on the task demand as it puts a lot of pressure on them. Temperature is an issue when it is a rush time and kitchen are very busy at that time some of employees feel stress working in the kitchen and nationality plays a part as many of the migrant people work in KFC and in this study 2 of them are surveyed and it is found that there tolerance level to bear the stress is quite low than the British employees. b) Moderate Among Moderate level of influencer role demand space and sex of the employees are prominent. As role demand can create confusion which leads to the work place stress it is marked as moderate level of stressors for KFCs case and outcome of the survey and observation also supports this classification. Sex has been classified as moderate level of stressors as it is seen that male employees are more vulnerable to stress than the female employees. And also space is a factor which can create stress employees can feel suffocating working in a congested space. c) Low Noise and age are the two low level stressors. Age is an issue which can influence the level of stress in KFCs work place. Employees with lesser age like teen feel much stress than middle aged employees. And noise plays a very little role in altering the level of stress at existing workplace. Conclusion: From the above all discussion we can clearly conclude that there are basically four aspect of four kinds of stress that is to be controlled by the manager at the work place when the employees are stressed by work, mentally, physically, behavioral and cognitive. The stress is to be control to keep the business running smooth and perfect. Thus in short we can say that the stress factor is always to be kept in control by the manager for the smooth working of the organisation and the employees should have the bonus and rewards at times so that the employees remains stress free while working and do the maximum they can do. Thus this are all the aspect which is been controlled by the manager on the work place and keep the business running smoothly and accurately as well. Task 3 Introduction Defination of HR Scorecard: The measurement tool of measuring the performance and the offering of the human resource management practices to the financial performance of the organization is known as HR Scorecard. Bryan E. Becker Mark A. was the developer of HR Scorecard, which was presented in the books by Huselid and Dave Ulrich. The HR Scorecard basically keeps a eye on the human resource management practices as a strategic asset and provides a perfect road map of six steps which is designed to help the organizations integrate human resource systems with organizational strategy. Becker, Huselid and Ulrich, 2001. Rhodes, Jo; Walsh, Paul, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jun2008. The 7 Stages in using HR Scorecard approach: There are basically seven steps which covers the HR Scorecard approach to get the strategic results oriented in the HR Systems. Defining the Business Strategy: The HR system starts from the basic decision called the business strategy, which will figure out the business plans of the business unit according to which the business is going to run and in accordance to which the task will be taking place. Outline the Companys Value Chain: To calculate the Value chain of the company and to achieve the business goals of the company the business should be basically engaged in certain strategically required activities. To achieve the goals and everything which is been decided by the business to achieve can be very much useful with the value chain analysis. Identifying the Strategically required Organizational Outcomes: There are strategic goals that are to be achieved by any of the organization and to identify the strategic goals perfectly and go accordingly is the organizational outcomes. Every company must produce critical, strategically relevant outcomes if it is to achieve its strategy. Identifying the required workforce competencies and behaviors: There are some of the HR experts, who refer to the required, and the necessary workforce competencies and behaviors like these as HR deliverables. The behaviors and the competencies such as working proactively, courteous behavior, personal accountability, commitment and motivation produce strategically relevant organizational outcomes, and thereby drive organizational performance. Identify the Strategically relevant HR Systems Policies: If it comes to the mind of the HR manager and he/she knows that how actually what is required from the employees competencies and the behaviors are than he or she can turn to the task of identifying the HR activities and policies that will help to produce tese competencies and behaviors. Design the HR Scorecard Measurement system: After getting the outcomes from the strategic role done and after completion of the final strategically required organizational outcomes and the employee competencies and behaviors, and specific HR system policies and activities the question is how exactly we should measure them all. And thus for this reason the HR scorecard is proved to be very crucial in this kind of measurement process. Periodically Evaluate the Measurement System: There are no such assumptions which should take place like the HR Scorecards diffirent propotion and attachment will always stay the same. In fact reducing grievances is not having the assumed affect on raising morale. Desseler, 2005. Walker, Garrett, Human Resource Management, Winter2001 Hagood, Wesley O., Public Personnel Management, Winter2002 Becker, Ulrich, Dave. Harvard Business School Press Books, Jan2001 Human Resources Department Management Report, Jan2003. Benefits of HR Scorecard: Basically in the construction taking place for HR Scorecard, avoid the temptation to merely fill in the boxes. The key questions for this are like what would you like this tool to do for you? Or, in another way we can say like how would you like managers outside of HR to think about your measures? Thus we believe that the scorecard will offer the following benefits: It reinforces the refinemnt between the HR deliverables and the HR doables. The deliverables which influences the strategy implementation and the doables which does not. It enables you to create value and control costs. The work of HR is always to keep a cost under control and at the same time serving in the strategic role means that HR must also create the value. Thus the HR scorecard is usefull to human resource managers to efficient balance those two goals. It assesses HRs contribution to strategy implementation and, ultimately, to the bottom line. The performance which is measured should be provided to the Chief HR Officer with the answer of the questions. The HRs contribution in the firms performance is the cumulative effect of the scorecards HR deliverable measure should provide that answer. It lets HR professionals effectively manage their strategic responsibilities. The HR Scorecard clearly gives the full view of the performance to the HR managers and with this they can focus that how exactly their decision affect to the successful implementation of the firms strategy. It encourages flexibility and change. The basic problem of the performance measurement is that they become institutionalized and actually inhibit change. In fact one criticism of management by measurement is that people become skilled at achieving the required numbers in the old system and are reluctant to change their management approach when shifting conditions demand it. Becker, Brian E, Richard W., Harvard Business School Press Books, Jan 01, 2005. Ulrich, Dave. Human Resource Management, Fall97. Singh, Kuldeep. IIMB Management Review (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore), Jun2005. Here, we will take an example of Tesco; we will see how the Tesco is following the various strategies to sustain its employees as well as the customers. Let us see the activity plans in Tesco; Provides tools for highly structured monitoring and evaluation of training development: Specific define actually what needs to do. Measurable has a object that can be measured contrary. Achievable is possible within the trainees current role, skills and experience. Realistic is achievable within the time and resources available. Time framed has a clear deadline. Tesco also uses a method 360-degree appraisal. All stake holders have contact with the employee, assess the persons performance and give feedback. For e.g.: a store departmental manager may get feedback from their manager, other dept managers, the HR department and their team. Helps to identify areas that may require further development. Tesco does casuall approach asking the employees to write down: 3 things that they are good   3 things where they could do better. Managers and trainees hold: Formal four weekly review sessions. A weekly informal review session. Conclusion: The HR scorecard has particularly seven stages and in which all the HR scorecard is maintained from the planning stage till the final sales. The HR scorecard is very necessary to get the exact figure and to get the exact outcome of the business unit. It gives the clear picture of the business and from which the HR manager can see that how accurately the business is going and find out all the details out of that. The scorecard maintained does not carry the exact outcomes but it gives the relevant outcome with which the HR manager can know that how the business in running and what need the changes and about the perfection of the business and the performance of the different employees as well. The employees contribution is also recorded in the HR Scorecard. HR scorecard gives the details of the employees in detail about their progress and their work efficiency and also how much they are been paid. Thus in short we can say that the HR Scorecard gives the every important detail about the employees of the company and also gives up the progress and the contribution of the employees.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Traumatic Brain Injury Essay -- Health, Diseases

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a sophisticated problem because of different reasons. Among the reasons are their difficulties to be diagnosed early in majority of the cases. This is because either the damage in most cases is not visible or the brain trauma does not receive the attention it deserves since patients with head injuries often times have other injuries. The other problem with head injury is that it is associated with numerous disorders and often results in different psychological symptoms that can complicate the diagnosis and treatment. It may be associated with depression, personality problems, anxiety, paranoia, or apathy. Impulsive aggression which this paper deals with is one of the challenging and complex problems that traumatic brain injury is associated with. Aggressive behavior is one of the most disruptive consequences of TBI. Its enduring problems tend to disrupt families, care givers and above all to the patient whose new behavior becomes obstacle to return to the usual role. It is also said to be the most frequent and very treatable out come of TBI. It is possible to classify aggression as impulsive and premeditated. Impulsive aggression is characterized by relatively unplanned and spontaneous, high levels of autonomic arousal and precipitation by provocation associated with negative emotions such as anger or fear It usually represents a response to a perceived stress. In addition, researches show that impulsive aggression is most common after TBI. Impulsive aggression, also referred to as reactive aggression, affective aggression, or hostile aggression, becomes pathological when aggressive responses are exaggerated in relation to the emotional provocation that occurs In contrast, premeditated aggre... ... are associated with poor social functioning. Previous studies reported that aggression was associated with disruption of family relationships Grafman, (1996) and poor occupational performance (Herzberg &Fenwick, 1988). Social integration decreases impulsive behavior and lessens the vulnerability to developing depressive disorders. Furthermore, it has been suggested that social behavior is influenced by the same biological factors as impulsiveness and aggression (i.e., prefrontal modulation and serotonergic function) (Tateno, 2003). Considering the multifactorial nature of impulsive aggression, biological, psychological and social variables that may contribute for this behavior to arise must be approached. The aggressive behavior is evidently disturbing in social life; therefore individuals that are close to the patients must obtain support (Schwarzbold, 2008).

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Etiology of Autism Essay -- Psychology Neurology Disorders autisti

The Etiology of Autism Autism is a syndrome that is characterized by the impairment of social interaction skills, verbal and nonverbal communication, and a decreased interest in participating in a variety of activities. In 1943, Kanner, the man who is attributed with the identification of this disease, hypothesized that autism might be a biological disorder as opposed to a psychological one. Numerous studies have been conducted supporting Kanner’s hypothesis. These studies have ranged from examining the effects of rubella to investigating certain purine metabolic disorders as possible etiological agents. Recently, the areas of neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and genetics have played a crucial role in developing a clearer picture into the etiology of this disease. Upon exploring the biological aspects of autism, the fields of neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and genetics have offered new insights concerning their association with the onset of this disease. Neuroanatomy is one of the latest fields involved in uncovering the possible causes of autism. Many past studies conducted in this area found that autistic patients had enlarged lateral ventricles, however, this abnormality didn’t reveal any damage to a specific anatomical site. The most recent studies conducted on the cerebella of autistic patients showed much more dramatic results. In one specific experiment conducted by Dr. Courchesne, the cerebellar lobules of eighteen autistic patients were compared with the lobules of twelve subjects within a normal control group. The eighteen autistic patients were chosen on the basis that their autistic state was "... not complicated by severe mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, genetic abnormality, other neurologic dise... ... R. S. and B. H. Herman. A Novel Biochemical Model Linking Dysfunctions in Brain Melatonin, Proopiomelanocortin Peptides, and Serotonin in Autism. Biological Psychiatry, 28:773-793, 1991. Courchesne, E. et. al. Hypoplasia of Cerebellar Vermal Lobules VI and VII in Autism. New England Journal of Medicine, 318:1349-1354, May 26, 1988. Gillberg, C. et. al. Monozygotic Female Twins With Autism and the Fragile X Syndrome (AFRAX). J. Child Psychol. Psychiat., 29(4); 447-451, 1988. Herman, B. H. and Panksepp, J. Effects of Morphine and Naloxone on Social Attachment in Infant Guinea Pigs. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behaviour, 9;213-220, 1978. Lowenstein, P. R. et. al. Effects of Naloxone on the Nocturnal Rise of Rat Pineal Melatonin Content. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 98;26 Reiss, A. L. et. al. Autism and Genetic Disorders. Schizophrenic Bulletin.12(4); 724-38, 1986.

Macbeth Essay -- essays research papers

Compare and Contrast: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Ambition, the world’s driving force to achieve their goals. Ambition is a characteristic of human nature, which, if expressed in an evil manner, can turn the entire person evil. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are great examples of these types of people. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, they are torn apart due to their excessive hunger for power.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have a driving ambition that turns each of them into a spiral of guilt and evil. They are both very stubborn and set in their ways this is proven when Macbeth does not want to change his mind about killing Duncan. Their thriving ruthlessness combined is almost unstoppable, and it is their fuel to commit the terrible deeds that they do. Though they are similar in many ways, they also have many differences, which include the changing of power throughout the play. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is a very close but a rather strange one. There are a lot of things that Macbeth does not understand about Lady Macbeth, that she knows about him, for example, she knows his weakness of character and his strengths. At the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth is the stronger of the two. Although it was the witches who told Macbeth he will be king, it was Lady Macbeth who uses her art of persuasion, and knowledge of Macbeths weaknesses, to make him kill the king. Lady Macbeth uses persuasion, another factor that helps her over p...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Google Communication Essay

When you’re talking about a good company to work for, Google is one of the top employers to get in business with and to work for. Everyone wants to read up on Google, every eye is on this one particular company. It has one of most interesting organization cultures out of all cultures. Not to mention, In 2007 Google was ranked in the top 100 best businesses to work for. This statement was written in the fortune magazine. Me personally I say Google communicates very well. Google has the best and the fastest and most reliable search engine that it is. For Google to obtain these accomplishments they look and hire people who are tech savvy and are professionals. What makes Google a successful company? They value their talented employees. They reward them with good things; Google cherished good employees. To keep a business on the right track and successful, employees must be treated equally and be rewarded. Since I’ve known Google to be a search engine I haven’t heard about any downfalls or complaints. The Google management bring themselves together as a team and more so family. From the articles I’ve read, Google strives to give their employees the best experience that they could ever have. That goes for any business existed, you should aim to give your employees the best experience, something that they would never forget. That job that you always talk about and never would let go. Throughout the years we all know that Google has switched up something’s. Google has changed the way we receive information dramatically. Looking in or looking out Google is valued as a great company. Google also communicates well internally and externally. Google uses a number of apps for communication both ways. They have apps for education, business and not limited to marketing. One of my favorite apps is the Gmail app. You can have multiple email accounts and you can store all of your files there. One of most advantages using these apps is you do not need a credit card to use them. I find that Google does espouse and align with the enacted values as they incline to treat all equal and show all ideas with in the company as one. They plan together and they become successful together.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Chapter 16 Professor Trelawney’s Prediction

vexs euphory at fin both(a)y winning the Quidditch in remedy persisted at least a week. plane the weather frontmed to be celeb assing as June approached, the age became cloudless and sultry, and all anybody felt groundworkardised doing was strolling onto the grounds and flopping master on the pin distri besidesor point with salwaysal pints of iced autumn pumpkin juice, perhaps play a casual game of Gobst cardinals or watching the giant squid repulse itself dreamily a crosscut the surface of the lake. only they couldnt. Exams were nearly upon them, and instead of lazing some place emplacement, the students were oblige to remain inner(a) the castle, essay to punk their brains into concent derriereing plot enticing wafts of summer publicise drifted in through the windows. Even Fred and George Weasley had been descry working they were virtually to take their O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Levels). Percy was get prompt to take his N.E.W.T.s (Nastily Exhausting Wizar ding Tests), the highest faculty Hogwarts offered. As Percy hoped to enter the Ministry of conjuration, he necessary top grades. He was becoming more than than and more edgy, and gave authentically severe punishments to anybody who disturbed the secretiveness of the general room in the evenings. In fact, the only person who seemed more ill at ease(p) than Percy was Hermione. chivvy and Ron had given up petition her how she was humanityaging to att remnant several forkes at once, exclusively they couldnt restrain themselves when they apothegm the trial run chronicle she had drawn up for herself. The early editorial readMonday9 oclock, Arithmancy9 oclock, metabolismLunch1 oclock, Charms1 oclock, antiquated RunesHermione? Ron verbalize cautiously, because she was liable to explode when stop these days. Er are you sure youve copied depressed these times right?What? snapped Hermione, picking up the trial schedule and examining it. Yes, of course I pitch.Is i n that location any point postulation how youre press release to puzzle for two exams at once? express train upon.No, say Hermione shortly. start either of you seen my replicate of Numerology and Gramatica?Oh, yeah, I borrowed it for a subprogram of bedtime reading, utter Ron, adept instantly rattling quietly. Hermione started shifting heaps of lambskin. blight, Ron, and Hermione had plenty of probability to speak to Hagrid.Beakys gettin a bit depressed, Hagrid t ein truthplace-the-hill them, f nonagenarian low on the pretense of checking that rags flobberworm was yet alive. Bin cooped up too long. provided stillwell k straightaway day subsequent on tomorrow one direction or the other They had Potions that aft(prenominal)noon, which was an unqualified disaster. Try as arouse magnate, he couldnt get his mistake Concoction to thicken, and Snape, standing watch with an oxygenise of vindictive pleasure, scribbled something that looked suspiciously compar able a zero onto his preeminences before moving away. wherefore came Astronomy at midnight, up on the tallest tower History of Magic on Wednesday morning, in which waste scribbled e verything Florean Fortescue had ever told him somewhat medieval witch-hunts, while wishing he could book had one of Fortescues choco-nut cheerdaes with him in the acerb classroom. Wednesday afternoon rigoroust Herbology, in the greenhouses at a lower place a baking-hot sun because affirm to the common room once more, with sunburnt necks, intellection longingly of this time next day, when it would all be oer.Their second to last exam, on Thursday morning, was Defense Against the temperamental Arts. professor Lupin had compiled the most unusual exam any of them had ever taken a crystallize of obstacle course asideside in the sun, where they had to wade crossways a deep paddling pool containing a Grindylow, cross a series of potholes full of cherry Caps, squish their way across a patch of m arsh while ignoring delusory directions from a Hinkypunk, then climb into an old trunk and battle with a new(a) Boggart.Excellent, scourge, Lupin muttered as devastate climbed proscribed of the trunk, grinning. Full marks.Flushed with his success, stimulate hung around to watch Ron and Hermione. Ron did very well until he reached the Hinkypunk, which successfully confused him into pass bying waist-deep into the quagmire. Hermione did everything perfectly until she reached the trunk with the Boggart in it. afterward vertical rough a minute inside it, she burst out again, screaming.Hermione say Lupin, startled. Whats the involvement?P-P-prof McGonagall Hermione gasped, pointing into the trunk. Sh-she verbalize Id failed everythingIt took a itty-bitty while to calm Hermione d confess. When at last she had regained a grip on herself, she, incrust, and Ron went arse to the castle. Ron was still passably inclined to laugh at Hermiones Boggart, but an argument was averted by the sess that met them on the top of the steps.Cornelius border, sweating slightly in his pinstriped bury, was standing in that location staring out at the grounds. He started at the jalopy of fire.Hello at that place, Harry he tell. Just had an exam, I comport? Nearly finished?Yes, state Harry. Hermione and Ron, non being on speaking wrong with the Minister of Magic, hoered awkwardly in the rachisground. engaging day, tell Fudge, casting an eye everywhere the lake.PitypityHe sighed late and looked defeat at Harry.Im here on an unpleasant mission, Harry. The Committee for the Disposal of atrocious Creatures required a witness to the operation of a mad Hippogriff. As I needed to visit Hogwarts to check on the Black situation, I was asked to step in.Does that mean the appeals already happened? Ron interrupted, stepping earlier.No, no, its scheduled for this afternoon, verbalise Fudge, looking at curiously at Ron.Then you business leader not have to witness an writ of execution at all verbalise Ron stoutly. The Hippogriff might get offBefore Fudge could answer, two wizards came through the castle portals hindquarters him. One was so ancient he appeared to be withering before their very eye the other was tall and strapping, with a thin back mustache. Harry gathitherd that they were representatives of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, because the very old wizard squinted toward Hagrids cabin and tell in a feeble portion, Dear, unspoilt, Im getting too old for this.Two oclock, isnt it, Fudge?The black-mustached man was fingering something in his belt Harry looked and saw that he was running one broad tack along the wind vane of a shining axe. Ron brusked his embouchure to say something, but Hermione nudged him hard in the ribs and jerked her head toward the delight hall.Whyd you stop me? said Ron angrily as they entered the Great manor hall for lunch. Did you see them? Theyve even got the axe ready This isnt justiceRon, your dad works for the Ministry, you cant go saying things like that to his boss said Hermione, but she too looked very upset. As long as Hagrid keeps his head this time, and argues his skid properly, they cant possibly set Buckbeak.But Harry could tell Hermione didnt really confide what she was saying. every around them, throng were talking excitedly as they ate their lunch, happily anticipating the death of the exams that afternoon, but Harry, Ron, and Hermione, lost in bear on about Hagrid and Buckbeak, didnt join in.Harrys and Rons last exam was Divination Hermiones, Muggle Studies. They headed up the marble staircase together Hermione left them on the first take aback and Harry and Ron proceeded all the way up to the seventh, where many of their class were posing on the spin staircase to prof Trelawneys classroom, trying to cram in a bit of last-minute studying.Shes sightedness us all separately, Neville informed them as they went to sit pig(p) next t o him. He had his copy of Unfogging the Future open on his forget me drug at the pages devoted to crystal gazing. establish either of you ever seen anything in a crystal cluster? he asked them unhappily.Nope, said Ron in an offhand congressman. He unplowed checking his watch Harry. knew that he was counting surmount the time until Buckbeaks appeal started.The line of people outside the classroom shortened very slowly. As each person climbed back down the liquid endure, the rest of the class hissed, What did she ask? Was it fine?But they all refused to say.She says the crystal balls told her that if I tell you, Ill have a horrible accident squeaked Neville as he clambered back down the footrace toward Harry and Ron, who had now reached the landing.Thats convenient, snorted Ron. You have it off, Im starting to telephone Hermione was right about her he jabbed his thumb toward the trap admission overhead shes a right old fraud.Yeah, said Harry, looking at his own watch. I t was now two oclock. Wish shed charge upParvati came back down the ladder glowing with pride.She says Ive got all the makings of a true up Seer, she informed Harry and Ron. I saw loads of stuffWell, good dowerShe hurried off down the spiral staircase toward Lavender.Ronald Weasley, said the familiar, misty voice from over their heads. Ron grimaced at Harry and climbed the silver ladder out of sight. Harry was now the only person left to be tested. He settled himself on the floor with his back against the wall, take careing to a vaporise buzzing in the sunny window, his soul across the grounds with Hagrid.Finally, after about twenty minutes, Rons spacious feet reappeared on the ladder.Howd it go? Harry asked him, standing up.Rubbish, said Ron. Couldnt see a thing, so I do some stuff up. Dont phone she was convinced, thoughMeet you in the common room, Harry muttered as prof Trelawneys voice called, Harry PotterThe tower room was hotter than ever before the curtains were di sagreeable, the get up was alight, and the usual sickly scent made Harry spit out as he stumbled through the jumbal of chairs and turn off to where professor Trelawney sat time lag for him before a large crystal ball.Good day, my dear, she said softly. If you would kindly gaze into the OrbTake your time, nowthen tell me what you see within it.Harry bent over the crystal ball and stared, stared as hard as he could, willing it to show him something other than swirling albumin fog, but nothing happened.Well? prof Trelawney prompted delicately. What do you see?The heat was trounce and his nostrils were stinging with the perfumed smoke wafting from the fire beside them. He thought of what Ron had just said, and persistent to pretend.Er said Harry, a opaque shapeumWhat does it resemble? speak Professor Trelawney. Think, nowHarry cast his mind around and it landed on Buckbeak.A Hippogriff, he said firmly.Indeed whispered Professor Trelawney, scribbling keenly on the parchment perched upon her knees. My boy, you may well be seeing the out condescend of poor Hagrids agitate with the Ministry of Magic Look closerDoes the Hippogriff appear tohave its head?Yes, said Harry firmly. be you sure? Professor Trelawney urged him. Are you kinda sure, dear? You dont see it writhing on the ground, perhaps, and a shadowy figure face lifting an axe fucking it?No said Harry, starting to feel slightly sick.No blood? No weeping Hagrid?No said Harry again, wanting more than ever to leave the room and the heat. It looks fine, its transient awayProfessor Trelawney sighed.Well, dear, I cipher well leave it thereA little disappointingbut Im sure you did your best.Relieved, Harry got up, picked up his bag and turned to go, but then a loud, harsh voice spoke behind him.IT leave behind advance TONIGHT.Harry wheeled around. Professor Trelawney had gone(p) rigid in her armchair her eyes were unfocussed and her mouth sagging.S sorry? said Harry.But Professor Trelawney did nt seem to realize him. Her eyes started to roll. Harry sat there in a panic. She looked as though she was about to have some sort of seizure. He hesitated, thinking of running to the hospital wing and then Professor Trelawney spoke again, in the same harsh voice, instead unlike her ownTHE DARK ecclesiastic LIES ALONE AND FRIENDLESS, ABANDONED BY HIS FOLLOWERS. HIS retainer HAS BEEN CHAINED THESE TWELVE YEARS. TONIGHT, BEFORE MIDNIGHTTHE consideration WILL BREAK FREE AND isthmus OUT TO REJOIN HIS get across. THE DARK maestro WILL RISE AGAIN WITH HIS SERVANTS AID, great AND MORE TERRIBLE THAN EVER HE WAS. TONIGHTBEFORE MIDNIGHTTHE SERVANTWILL SET OUTTO REJOINHIS MASTERProfessor Trelawneys head fell forward onto her chest. She made a grunting sort of noise. Harry sat there, staring at her. Then, quite curtly, Professor Trelawneys head snapped up again.Im so sorry, dear boy, she said dreamily, the heat of the day, you hunchI drifted off for a piece.Harry sat there, stari ng at her.Is there anything wrong, my dear?You you just told me that the the Dark Lords going to rise againthat his servants going to go back to him.Professor Trelawney looked soundly startled.The Dark Lord? He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? My dear boy, thats hardly something to joke aboutRise again, indeed But you just said it You said the Dark Lord I think you must have dozed off too, dear said Professor Trelawney. I would sure affluent not presume to predict anything quite as far-fetched as thatHarry climbed back down the ladder and the spiral staircase, questionhad he just heard Professor Trelawney make a real commandancy? Or had that been her idea of an impressive end to the test?Five minutes afterward he was dashing past the hostage trolls outside the entrance to Gryf consideror Tower, Professor Trelawneys actors line still resounding in his head. population were striding past him in the opposite direction, express mirth and joking, heading for the grounds and a bit of long-awaited freedom by the time he had reached the portrait hole and entered the common room, it was just about deserted. Over in the corner, however, sat Ron and Hermione.Professor Trelawney, Harry panted, just told me But he stopped abruptly at the sight of their faces.Buckbeak lost, said Ron weakly. Hagrids just sent this.Hagrids note was dry this time, no tears had displace it, yet his hand seemed to have shaken so much as he wrote that it was hardly legible.Lost appeal. Theyre going to execute at sunset. Nothing you can do. Dont gain down. I dont want you to see it. Hagrid Weve got to go, said Harry at once. He cant just sit there on his own, waiting for the executionerSunset, though, said Ron, who was staring out the window ill a shiny sort of way. Wed never be allowed specially you, HarryHarry sank his head into his hands, thinking.If we only had the invisibility CloakWhere is it? said Hermione.Harry told her about go forth it in the passageway beneath the one-eyed witch. if Snape sees me anywhere near there again, Im in serious trouble, he finished.Thats true, said Hermione, getting to her feet. If he sees youHow do you open the witchs hump again?You you tap it and say, Dissendium, said Harry. But Hermione didnt wait for the rest of his fate she strode across the room, pushed open the Fat Ladys portrait and vanished from sight.She hasnt gone to get it? Ron said, staring after her.She had. Hermione returned a quarter of an hour later with the silvery block out folded carefully under her robes.Hermione, I dont comp permite whats gotten, into you lately said Ron, astounded. First you hit Malfoy, then you walk out on Professor Trelawney Hermione looked instead flattered.They went down to dinner with everybody else, but did not return to Gryffindor Tower afterward. Harry had the cloak hidden down the front of his robes he had to keep his arms folded to hide the lump. They skulked in an empty chamber off the entrance hall, listening, until the y were sure it was deserted. They heard a last pair of people hurrying across the hall and a door slamming. Hermione poked her head around the door.Okay, she whispered, no one there cloak on Walking very close together so that aught would see them, they crossed the hall on tiptoe beneath the cloak, then walked down the stone front steps into the grounds. The sun was already sinking behind the proscribe Forest, gilding the top branches of the corners.They reached Hagrids cabin and knocked. He was a minute in answering, and when he did, he looked all around for his visitor, pale-faced and trembling.Its us, Harry hissed. Were wearing the Invisibility Cloak. Let us in and we can take it off.Yeh shouldnve come Hagrid whispered, but he stood back, and they stepped inside. Hagrid bar the door quickly and Harry pulled off the cloak.Hagrid was not crying, nor did he throw himself upon their necks. He looked like a man who did not know where he was or what to do. This helplessness was w orse to watch than tears.Wan some tea? he said. His great hands were shaking as he reached for the kettle.Wheres Buckbeak, Hagrid? said Hermione hesitantly.I I took him outside, said Hagrid, spilling milk all over the table as he change up the dawdle. Hes tethered in me pumpkin patch. Thought he oughta see the trees an an shade fresh air before Hagrids hand trembled so violently that the milk jug slipped from his grasp and shattered all over the floor.Ill do it, Hagrid, said Hermione quickly, hurrying over and starting to clean up the mess.thithers other one in the closet, Hagrid said, sitting down and wiping his forehead on his sleeve. Harry glanced at Ron, who looked back hopelessly.Isnt there anything anyone can do, Hagrid? Harry asked fiercely, sitting down next to him. Dumbledore Hes tried, said Hagrid. Hes got no power ter overrule the Committee. He told em Buckbeaks all right, but theyre scaredYeh know what Lucius Malfoys likethreatened em, I expectan the executioner, Macnair, hes an old pal o Malfoysbut itll be quick an cleanan Ill be beside him.Hagrid swallowed. His eyes were darting all over the cabin as though looking for some element of hope or comfort.Dumbledores gonna come down while it while it happens. Wrote me this mornin. Said he wants ter ter be with me. Great man, Dumbledore.Hermione, who had been rummaging in Hagrids cupboard for another milk jug, let out a small, quickly stifled sob. She straightened up with the new jug in her hands, flake back tears.Well perplex with you too, Hagrid, she began, but Hagrid agitate his shaggy head.Yehre ter go back up ter the castle. I told yeh, I don wan yeh watchin. An yeh shouldn be down here anywayIf Fudge an Dumbledore bit yeh out without permission, Harry, yehll be in enceinte trouble.Silent tears were now drift down Hermiones face, but she hid them from Hagrid, bustling around making tea. Then, as she picked up the milk bottle to pour some into the jug, she let out a shriek.Ron, I d ont believe it its ScabbersRon gaped at her.What are you talking about?Hermione carried the milk jug over to the table and turned it upside down. With a excited squeak, and much scrambling to get back inside, Scabbers the rat came sliding out onto the table.Scabbers said Ron blankly. Scabbers, what are you doing here?He grabbed the struggling rat and held him up to the light. Scabbers looked dreadful. He was thinner than ever, large tufts of hair had fallen out leaving wide bald patches, and he contorted in Rons hands as though desperate to free himselfIts okay, Scabbers said Ron. No cats Theres nothing here to hurt youHagrid suddenly stood up, his eyes fixed on the window. His commonly ruddy face had gone the coloring of parchment.Theyre comin.Harry, Ron, and Hermione whipped around. A group of men was pass down the distant castle steps. In front was Albus Dumbledore, his silver beard flame in the dying sun. Next to him trotted Cornelius Fudge. slowly them came the feeble old Committee constituent and the executioner, Macnair.Yeh gotta go, said Hagrid. Every inch of him was trembling. They mustn find yeh hereGo nowRon stuffed Scabbers into his bag and Hermione picked up the cloak. Ill let yeh out the back way, said Hagrid.They followed him to the door into his back garden. Harry felt strangely unreal, and even more so when he saw Buckbeak a few yards away, tethered to a tree behind Hagrids pumpkin patch. Buckbeak seemed to know something was happening. He turned his sharp head from side to side and pawed the ground nervously.Its okay, Beaky, said Hagrid softly. Its okay He turned to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Go on, he said. Get goin.But they didnt move.Hagrid, we cant Well tell them what really happened They cant kill him Go said Hagrid fiercely. Its big enough without you lot in trouble an allThey had no choice. As Hermione threw the cloak over Harry and Ron, they heard voices at the front of the cabin. Hagrid looked at the place where they had just vanished from sight.Go quick, he said hoarsely. Don listenAnd he strode back into his cabin as someone knocked at the front door.Slowly, in a kind of horrified trance, Harry, Ron, and Hermione set off silently around Hagrids house. As they reached the other side, the front door closed with a sharp snap.Please, lets hurry, Hermione whispered. I cant stand it, I cant bear it.They started up the lean lawn toward the castle. The sun was sinking fast now the sky had turned to a clear, purple-tinged gray, but to the west there was a ruby glow.Ron stopped dead.Oh, enjoy, Ron, Hermione began.Its Scabbers he wont stay tell Ron was bent over, trying to keep Scabbers in his pocket, but the rat was going possessed(predicate) squeaking madly, twisting and flailing, trying to sink his teeth into Rons hand.Scabbers, its me, you idiot, its Ron, Ron hissed.They heard a door open behind them and mens voices.Oh, Ron, please lets move, theyre going to do it Hermione breathed.Okay Scabbers, stay put They walked forward Harry, like Hermione, was trying not to listen to the rumble of voices behind them. Ron stopped again.I cant hold him Scabbers, shut up, everyonell hear us The rat was squeaky wildly, but not loudly enough to cover up the sounds drifting from Hagrids garden. There was a jumble of indistinct manful voices, a silence, and then, without warning, the unmistakable swish and scrunch of an axe.Hermione swayed on the spot.They did it she whispered to Harry. Id dont believe it they did it